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Dark Mermaid Song: Poems ● Ebook

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“If fairytales were written for adults in riddles and poems, it would go something like this.” —Isabelle Kenyon, Fly On The Wall Poetry

“My bleeding heart,
my open vein,
a feast for the gulls
of this storm born world.

& I weep openly,
for if they read my tears
they will know I am real.”

Inspired by sirens, mermaids, sea witches, and seduction, Dark Mermaid Song offers a distinctly different voice than Rogue’s previous publications. If you have ever experienced loss, heartbreak, love, or joy, reading this poetry will bring back a shocking wave of emotions.

Dark Mermaid Song was previously published as Le Chant Des Sirènes: Poems. It has been expanded in this new edition.
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